When undertaking small building works such as a new house or larger extension Method statements and Risk Assessments are essential.
These Method statements would normally cover :-
Concrete Foundations
Block and Beam Flooring
Brick and Blockwork
Painting and Decorating
The Risk areas and assessments should generally include:-
Slips,Trips and Falls.
Manual Handling.
Work at Height
Cutting and Grinding (Abrasive Wheels)
Each site will have varied Risk factors and these will require the safe work methods to cover them, The General safe work method should include these general items:-
General Safe work Method for small building sites:-
- Each stage is to be planned and work carried out in a logical manner and carried out to Architects and Engineers issued drawings.
- All setting out will be done by a competent person, line and levels will be checked throughout the duration of the build.
- All existing services to be isolated and checked before works. Cable avoidance tools to be used, hand dig trial holes.
- Works will be carried out by trained and experienced persons.
- Scaffolding erected by qualified persons, to be inspected daily before use.
- No un-authorized persons allowed on site during works, steps to be taken to ensure public are kept out of work areas.
- Area Inspected before works commence daily, and at suitable intervals during the day.
- Any work on ladders/scaffold to be planned, floors to be level and
- Warning signs if required.
- PPE to be worn at all times. (personal protective equipment) Gloves face masks etc.
- All areas to be kept clean and tidy at all times to reduce tripping and slipping.
- All waste materials to be placed in designated skips and removed by licensed waste carriers only.
- As-Built info to be compiled, any new pipelines to be marked on issued drawings.
We have compiled a 5 page Small builders method statement along with a set of Risk Assessments Ideal for small and larger projects, This is available
here http://www.method-statement-template.info/small-builders-method-statement