Steel Reinforcement and Formwork

Fixing Reinforcement  ( A 6 page method statement is available HERE)

Engineers will set out the main outline of the structure and all internal walls using Hilti nails hammered into the blinding concrete. Datum’s will be given for fixing wall reinforcement using insulation tape fixed to the main steel at an appropriate level.  At all times these datum’s will correspond to ‘concrete’ levels, with the steel fixer making the correct allowance for cover.  The datum will correspond to the top of the insulation tape.

‘Box outs’ for pipes/openings etc. will be marked by the following method.  The centre line of the pipe will be marked on the concrete surface below, i.e. on the kicker.  The level of the centre line of the box out will then be marked using insulation tape on the main bars.  It will then be possible for the steel fixer to cut out the reinforcement to the correct size.  Trimmer bars will then be fixed to each face.

For base reinforcement it is proposed to use lengths of proprietary strip block.

The steel fixers will select the bundles of steel for the required area.  The crane under the control of a qualified banksman will lift the bundle to the required area where it will be fixed to line and level.

The wall reinforcement will be fixed and tied to line, level and detail as shown on the contract drawings and spacer blocks fixed as required to maintain reinforcement position and cover. The vertical rebar will be scheduled/ fixed to enable the correct minimum splice to be achieved at each of the construction joints in each lift.

At all times fixers will wear the correct PPE.  When cutting reinforcement with disc cutters safety goggles and gloves will be worn at all times.

All work at heights or where there is a danger of an operative falling will be carried out of scaffolding.


Erecting Formwork

The formwork will be a proprietary panel type system. Wall panels will be faced to produce a fair face finish.  Wall shutters will be provided with integral scaffolding where possible.  Other scaffolding will be provided as necessary.

Construction joints will comprise of the following.  Stop ends will be formed using timber incorporating a keyway formed from a timber latt.  The inside face of the stop end will be coated with retarder.

Placing Concrete 

The concrete gang will prepare the area for concrete works in advance, i.e. install screed unit, vibrating units and generally make good the work area.

The operatives will all wear the correct PPE in this case rubber gloves and Wellingtons (safety glasses worn when required).

The concrete ganger will direct the banksman with either the pump or concrete skip to the correct area and commence the concrete pour.

The concrete will be delivered in part load form (e.g. a pour may require two deliveries of 4m3 in 6m3 capacity trucks) to assist with controlling the rate of rise for the pour and maintain a live concrete face between loads. Additional concrete compaction will not be required due to the designed nature of the concrete mix. The rate of rise for the concrete pours will be subject to the ambient site temperatures recorded, but generally adhering to a 1.8 m/hr rate of rise allowed for in the formwork calculations