Slips and Trips checklist

Sample slips and trips checklist

Action taken:-

An OHS policy for slips and trips is in place

Management is committed to the objectives of the policy

Sufficient resources have been provided to ensure that the objectives of the policy are met

Staff at all levels are aware of, and understand, the policy

A purchasing specification is in place which requires designers to ensure that the risks associated with slip and trip hazards are eliminated in relation to plant, machinery, buildings, and property layouts and arrangements with which they are involved.

Suppliers are required to provide information on the characteristics of the plant and equipment they supply which may have an impact on slip and trip injury potential.

Risk management has been undertaken in relation to all tasks, work areas, plant, walkways, passageways, ladders, stairs and fixtures within the workplace to ensure that:

–              All slip and trip hazards have been identified

–              Risks associated with slip and trip hazards have been assessed

–              These risks have been controlled

Records have been kept of the risk management for slips and trips, and these records are available for inspection by all employees and their representatives

Training in identifying slip and trip hazards, and in assessing and controlling the associated risks, has been given to everyone who:

–              Works in or on the workplace

–              Designs and lays out the workplace (including those who plan and implement modifications to any part of  the workplace)

–              Manages and/or supervises people working in or on the workplace (including any contractors)

–              Maintains equipment used to provide access to, and egress from, the workplace

–              Purchases, distributes, fits, wears and/or maintains personal protective equipment used to avoid the risk of tripping and slipping at the workplace

Regular inspections of the workplace are undertaken with the specific purpose of identifying any slip or trip hazards and assessing the adequacy of the measures implemented at the workplace to reduce the risk of slip and trip incidents.

Relevant employees and their supervisors are regularly consulted on health and safety issues related to the prevention of slip and trip incidents.

All relevant employees and their supervisors receive appropriate information, training and supervision to ensure the safety of everyone who may be exposed to risk from slip or trip hazards.

A system is in place to ensure that all accidents, incidents and near misses involving slip or trip hazards are reported, investigated and recorded, and that appropriate corrective measures are implemented.

Records of risk management processes for slip and trip hazards, routine inspections and training records are kept for the duration required by local regulations.


A Risk Assessment for Slips, Trips and falls is available HERE

slips trips and falls