Method statement example:- Access Road and Protection Slabs

This is an example detailed method statement for the site setup and carrying out of a new access road and protection slabs, Its a detailed method statement and shows how these should be compiled.

Project Name: Another Road Junction   Job/Project Reference Number: 23/08

Work Activity: Installation of access road and Service’s protection slabs to the new Junction.       Work Location: Junction of Another Road and Other Road, Other Town.

Date: 17th October 2015               MS Reference Number: MS01/08

Prepared by: The Boss   Approved by: The City Boss



Construction of a new access road to the new junction and site compound car park and form two new gas main protection slabs over the existing 90mm diameter gas main within this access road and one protection slab over the existing telephone lines and water main. (The access road construction and surfacing will be undertaken by A. Contractor).


Junction of Another Road and Other Road and to the site compound area.


25th September to 13th October 2015

Welfare and First Aid:

Temporary facilities will be established consisting of office, canteen, drying, washing/changing facilities and toilets

Nominated First aiders for the project will be posted within the welfare facilities

Reducing Risk:

             Fencing to be erected area of line of new access route.

             Access to be restricted to the site area.

             All work areas to be kept clear of trip hazards and a good housekeeping standard is required.

             Obtain details of all underground services

             All operatives to wear protective clothing, hi-visibility coats/vests, hard hats, safety glasses and ankle supported safety boots. Gloves and hearing protection will be available for use when required.

             A mobile phone to be available for summoning emergency assistance

             Reversing vehicles only to be undertaken with banksman is present

             Traffic control and traffic management established as per (Insert local council or State requirements for this type of work, for example in the United Kingdom Chapter 8)

             HGV vehicle movements authorised only between 0900hrs and 1630hrs Monday to Saturday


Health, Safety and Environmental Assessments:

Health and Safety Risk Assessments:

(List all Risk Assessments that accompany this Method Statement for example these)

RA001- Traffic control

RA002- Buried and Overhead services

RA003- Non authorized access

RA004- Lifting operations

RA005- Plant movement

Environmental Procedures:

(Check Local council/state requirements)

Related Assessments:

COSHH: Diesel, Ready mixed concrete, Aggregates,  unleaded petrol

( List all COSHH or USA equivalent documents that accompany this Method Statement) Manual Handling:


(These are examples, main contractor will normally outline requirements)


The works will be supervised by Big Dude (site manager) and Medium Dude (General Foreman)


NRSWA accredited Supervision and at least 1 operative at all times when working adjacent to the highway.

All plant operators to CPCS (Example only, Refer to contract documents/relevant H&S legislation)


3No General operatives, Plant Operators             (list all Labour)

Plant / Equipment:

20T 360 excavator

5T 360 degree tracked excavator (gas main slab)

5T dumper

3T roller

Various hand tools          (Note:- In some circumstances the current plant certificate and in the UK blue book can be required, Certification of shackles/chains etc. will also be required)

Work Method:

  1. Establish temporary welfare facilities off highway adjacent to access road, to consist of a fully operational unit c/w canteen, washing facilities, changing/drying room and toilet.
  2. The area identified for the location of the welfare and stores facilities and turning area will be fenced with fence panels as identified on attached layout sketch. The fencing will provide additional security for the temporary facilities and will also direct visiting/site personnel from the parking area to the site welfare.
  3. Welfare and stores facilities to be positioned by a suitable hiab vehicle with the required lifting equipment. All equipment utilised for this operation will be to the required certification.
  4. Stop blocks/adequate fencing will be positioned around the existing main and other existing structures/features.
  5. Access from the car parking area to the site welfare will be controlled by a walkway fenced with fencing. This fencing will continue across the front of the welfare units to direct all personnel parking on site. This will ensure protection against passing vehicles.
  6. A sign will be erected directing all site visitors/personnel to the site offices. Prior to entry onto site either a full induction will be carried out or a signature within the site visitors book will completed. Visitors to sign out prior to leaving site.
  7. Cable avoidance detector to be checked for operation against a known service.
  8. All locatable services to be marked up and located by hand digging. A permit to dig will be issued prior to any excavation work commencing and any unchartered services that are located will be protected as necessary.
  9. Overhead cables to be identified to pedestrian and vehicular traffic and goalpost protection erected in accordance with utility providers requirements
  10. Anti-skid surfacing to existing highway to be completed by contractor prior to junction improvement works taking place.
  11. All construction thicknesses and type to be confirmed by designer and issued with construction drawings – As drawing number 100/100/08 Rev A
  12. CBR testing will be completed prior to access road construction to establish road construction thicknesses required.
  13. The Protection slabs to the existing gas mains will be constructed as per design drawing 200/200 Rev A .
  14. Trial excavations to expose existing gas main will be undertaken during direct supervision from the National Grid Gas supervisor (or your Country equivalent). Trial holes will be completed to ascertain the horizontal and vertical alignment of the existing main. The setting out of the slab will then be determined to ensure the minimum dimensions stated on drawing number 882/26 are achieved. Once the gas main has been located, in the 2nr slab locations, by hand excavated trial holes the extent of the slab will be accurately marked on the ground. This procedure is to be undertaken due to the existing topography of the site.
  15. Physical protection will be placed at ground level a minimum 1.0 metre back from the edge of exaction to ensure no plant encroaches into this zone. i.e., bump protection.
  16. The slabs will be excavated to the depth and extents shown on the design drawing and in accordance with the project supervisor’s requirements.
  17. The slab located nearest to Another road will be constructed first. Following installation of a suitable access road. The second protection slab will then be constructed.
  18. The excavation will be completed using a 20 ton rubber wheeled excavator (or similar). No plant to cross location of existing main until protection slab construction complete and sufficient concrete strength achieved. Fence protection/markers will be erected to ensure plant does not cross the main.
  19. The channel for the polystyrene layer will be excavated also under direct supervision.
  20. Reinforcement and concrete will be placed as indicated on the design drawing using conventional construction methods. No compaction equipment, such as rollers etc, will be used. If fabrication cannot be completed in situ, then the work will take place adjacent to the work area and lifted into position on completion – please see lifting plan method statement. (Some works will require multiple method statements)
  21. The reinforcement will be fixed as indicated on the design drawing and to the covers stated. The concrete will be placed direct from concrete wagon chute and levelled by shovels. The concrete will compacted using 2” vibrating pokers. Screed rails of the required thickness will be fixed to the top mat of reinforcement to achieve the correct cover.
  22. 3no passing places to be constructed along the new access road to be confirmed at suitable locations approximately 30m x 4m .
  23. Wheel washing facilities to be established, which are to be detailed prior to earthworks operations – separate method statement to follow.
  24. The works within the fencing off highway will consist of approximately 4.0m width road, 1m footpath and 2m for soil storage.
  25. Demarcation will be erected to segregate construction traffic from pedestrians using hi-viz fencing/barrier tape.
  26. On completion of access road construction signs will be erected to enforce a 10mph speed limit through the site.
  27. The precast slabs to protect the disused gas main will be supplied by slabs r us.
  28. The slabs will be placed using the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  29. The existing 32mm water main will be exposed within the new junction and then surrounded in 100mm sand cover which will be hand tamped.
  30. A 150mm thick layer of C40 concrete will then be placed from the excavator bucket, over the sand protection. The exposed trench will then be backfilled with sub base.
  31. The cathode protection cable above the redundant gas main is to be exposed within the new junction and relocated as necessary by National Grid (or your country’s equiv)

Access/egress to site for all deliveries from all suppliers for the duration of the project will be controlled by a site traffic controller in line with the control measures produced and prearranged with the suppliers.



In the event of an acute illness or injury contact The Boss or The Foreman on 000000 000 000

If appropriate dial 999 (UK) 911 (USA) to get the emergency services to the work