Health and Safety Training in the workplace of all staff should be carried out on all sites. The following checklist is a useful guide to determine your company safety training needs.
Safety training, instruction and supervision checklist:-
Have all groups and individuals requiring training been identified?
Have specific training needs of groups/individuals been determined?
Have the following core subjects been included in topics to be covered in training:
Legal duties of relevant parties (employers; managers and supervisors; owners; employees; Health & Safety representatives; Health & Safety committees and officers; designers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers of plant and substances and installers and erectors of plant)?
- Consultation and employee involvement?
- Risk management?
- The workplace Health & Safety program?
- Safe work practices?
- Emergency procedures?
- Record keeping?
Is induction training provided to all employees on general hazards and safety rules of the workplace? In addition, is job-specific training provided on specific hazards, safety rules, and practices related to specific work assignments?
Have course materials been developed addressing the specific needs of the groups/individuals to be trained?
Have appropriate training techniques been selected, taking into consideration the:
- Depth of information to be conveyed?
- Skills and experience of the target group (including language, literacy and technical skills)?
- Skills and experience of the trainer(s)?
- Time allotted?
- Resources available?
Are any of the following training aids available?
- Photographs/slides of processes and associated hazards in the workplace?
- Occupational health and safety videos?
- Sound recordings from the workplace?
- Portable plant items or parts of plant to demonstrate hazards?
- Samples of hazardous substances or materials?
- Flowcharts for risk management?
- Overheads of accident statistics?
- Copies of Health & Safety program records, such as plant register forms, hazard identification checklists, risk assessment forms and risk control records?
- A summary of the legislative requirements?
- Have employees been evaluated or tested to ensure that they understand and can apply what they have been taught? (Tests can be oral, performance-based or written, formal or informal.)
- Are test results on file?
- Is additional training and testing carried out if a person does not pass any test given?
- Has provision been made to follow up on any deficiencies found in training?
- Have all training activities been documented (date of training, content, who was trained)?
- Are training records kept on file?
- Is refresher training provided regularly?
- Is training updated on a regular basis to ensure that it covers the equipment, materials and processes that are currently being used in the workplace?
- Is there a procedure in place to monitor and enforce compliance with health and safety training given to workers?
Part of our Health and Safety Management Manual, Available HERE