Electrical Installation Risks

When compiling a Risk Assessment for electrical work a number of generic risks need to be considered:-


  • Flammable items must be removed from the work area.
  • Suitable fire extinguishers to be on hand. (Co2)

Slips, Trips and Falls

  • Ensure that good housekeeping practices are observed.
  • Trailing cable to be covered or relocated to a safe position.
  • Correct footwear must be worn at all times, IE non slip.
  • Warning Signs to be set up, these should be used where non removable trip hazards are in the work area.

Electric Shock

  • Secure Isolation methods such as lock off and signage.
  • If locking off box is not available the DB box or switch room door to be locked and the keys kept by a competent person.
  • No work in wet areas.
  • Checking cables and equipment for signs of damage.
  • Use low voltage or battery tools if required.

Falls from Height

Scaffolding/Scaffold towers: Inspection of scaffolding  required before work commences

Ensure handrails are in place and secure

Use of airbags or safety nets where required

Fall arrest system in place.

Keep work areas clear and free from trip hazards

Use of toeboards and tools secured from falling by ropes

Falls from ladders:- Ladders used as a last resort and for short durations only.

Use the correct type of ladder, non conductive should be used, Inspect ladders before use, secure ladders before use and ensure they are at the correct angle.

Permit to work system

Its advisable to have a permit to work system of works, this should include a sign off sheet.

A full risk assessment template for electrical works is available HERE
