Site Waste Management
Construction sites can generate vast amounts of waste, this can be in the form of packaging, timber, material off-cuts and general site waste.
All waste should be disposed of in the most appropriate and environmentally sensitive way possible. If necessary for compliance, suitably qualified specialist contractors shall be engaged for disposal.
Disposal of waste should follow the waste management hierarchy below:
Energy recovery
Volume reduction.
Training and information should also be provided to employees so that they are aware of waste management procedures and able to carry them out safely.
Sample Waste Management checklist
Is a waste management policy is in place?.
Is a waste management program is in place?.
Management is committed to the objectives of the policy and program.
Sufficient resources have been provided to ensure that the objectives of the policy and program are met.
Staffs at all levels are aware of, and understand, the policy and program.
All employees and their supervisors have received appropriate training, information and supervision to ensure safe and environmentally sound work practices with regard to waste management.
Employees are consulted on Health & Safety issues with regard to the waste management policy and procedures.
Contractors have appropriate licenses, training, knowledge and insurance cover.
Adequate records are kept of waste disposal arrangements.
Waste disposal containers are sturdy, resistant to contents, sealable, suitable for transport, adequately labelled. (Food waste should be in covered containers/skips).
Chemical, biological and radioactive wastes are disposed of according to all statutory requirements.
In most countries a waste transfer note is used to record the waste being transported off a site by a registered waste carrier.
The sample checklist is extracted from our Health and Safety Policy
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