Plant and Equipment (PUWER)

Plant and Equipment (PUWER)
Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (UK)

Ensure that your company is committed to providing a safe place and safe systems of work. Since uncontrolled hazards associated with plant could have serious and even fatal consequences for our employees and others, this company regards the maintenance of and adherence to our safe systems of work for controlling plant risks as a safety-critical element of its overall safety program.

Also ensure your company is committed to ensuring that all plant and equipment is fit for its intended duty.

No plant or equipment shall be operated without the relevant licence from the appropriate statutory authority, unless under the supervision of a competent authorised person using a current log book, or unless an appropriate internal assessment has been made and documented where no statutory licensing is required.

Sample plant safety checklist

A plant policy is in place
Management is committed to the objectives of the policy
Sufficient resources have been provided to ensure that the objectives of the policy are met
Staff at all levels are aware of, and understand, the policy
A purchasing specification is in place which requires designers and manufacturers to:
– undertake risk management for plant which they design/manufacture
– provide relevant information on health and safety related to the plant which they design/manufacture
The purchasing specification also requires suppliers to forward a copy of the designer’s/manufacturer’s risk management/health and safety information for the plant which they supply
A register of all plant used in the workplace has been compiled and is kept available for inspection by employees and their representatives
Procedures are in place to ensure the competence and, where appropriate, the qualification of people (including contractors) who undertake installation, modification and repairs to any plant related to workplace operations
A system for maintaining records for plant has been set up which includes information about registered designs and contains all information required to be kept in relation to registered plant

Training in the safe operating procedures for working on, or with, plant has been given to everyone who:
– uses, or performs work on, any item of plant
– undertakes risk management activities in relation to plant
– issues permits to work
– designs and lays out the workplace (including those who plan and implement modifications to any part of the workplace)
– manages and/or supervises people working on plant (including any contractors)
– maintains equipment used for, and during, the performance of tasks associated with plant
– purchases, distributes, fits, wears and/or maintains personal protective equipment used to protect people from hazards associated with plant

The protocols for testing and maintaining plant have been agreed and incorporated into written procedures
Relevant employees and their supervisors are regularly consulted on health and safety issues related to plant safety
Adequate protective equipment to safely undertake work on, or with, plant is provided, with written protocols for its inspection, maintenance and use
All relevant employees and their supervisors receive appropriate information, training and supervision to ensure the safety of personnel working with or near plant hazards
A system is in place to ensure that all accidents, incidents and near misses involving plant are reported, investigated and recorded, and that appropriate corrective measures are implemented
Records of risk management for plant, together with training records related to the plant safety program, are kept for the duration required by local regulations


An article on plant and machinery Instruction manuals is worth reading, see the article HERE

Our popular 200 plus page health and safety Manual is available at our sister site HERE