COSHH Checklist


1. Have you a complete inventory of substances  used/generated in the workplace?

2. Have you identified any substances hazardous to health?

3. Have you gathered information about the substances, the work and working processes? For example, what hazards are involved? Who could be exposed and how?

4. Have you evaluated the risks to health on an individual or group basis chance of exposure occurring?

  • What level of exposure could happen?
  • What is the duration of the exposure?
  •  What is the frequency of the exposure?

5. Have you decided what needs to be done in terms of:-

  • – Preventing or controlling exposure?
  • – Maintaining control measures?
  • – Using control measures?
  • – Any monitoring/surveillance?
  • – Information, instruction and training?

6. Have you decided to record the assessment?

7. If “yes” to (6), have you decided on the extent, presentation and format of record?

8. Have you decided when each assessment should be reviewed? (i.e., when circumstances/duration or chemical changes.)

9. Have you established a system or procedure to manage and record the above elements?-

This can be a COSHH Assessment Template & use of the Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet in a COSHH Register

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