Erecting Formwork
The formwork will be a proprietary panel type system. Wall panels will be faced to produce a fair face finish. Wall shutters will be provided with integral scaffolding where possible. Other scaffolding will be provided as necessary. Construction joints will comprise of the following. Stop ends will be formed using timber incorporating a keyway formed from a timber latt. The inside face of the stop end will be coated with retarder.
Formwork will be thoroughly coated in releasing oil prior to erecting.
Placing Concrete
The concrete gang will prepare the area for concrete works in advance, i.e. install screed unit, vibrating units and generally make good the work area.
The operatives will all wear the correct PPE in this case rubber gloves and Wellingtons (safety glasses worn when required).
The concrete ganger will direct the banksman with either the pump or concrete skip to the correct area and commence the concrete pour.
Scaffolding will be provided where necessary.
Concrete placement to high wall pours (i.e.. over 3.0m) will be by concrete pump. The pump bagging will be initially positioned at the base of walls and then progressively withdrawn.
On high wall pours care will be taken to ensure the concrete is fully compacted at lower levels and around box outs or cast in pipes.
Unformed surfaces will be finished with a steel float.
Upon completion of the pour they will then tidy up equipment and move to the next work area.
All tools and equipment that require cleaning after being in contact with fresh concrete will be cleaned.
Striking Formwork & Curing
Base slabs and walls will generally be struck the next day. For roof slabs striking of false work will occur when a specified strength of concrete has been achieved. This will be determined by taking extra concrete cubes for early testing. The required strength will be noted on the structural drawings.
Bases and walls will have a single application of curing compound applied on completion of the pour (for slabs) or removal of formwork (for walls).
Upon striking of formwork a post pour inspection will be carried out and any remedial work carried out.
Tie holes will be sealed with a proprietary WRC approved system such as Tie Seal with the thimbles placed to both faces.
Positions of holding down bolts will be checked, plinths for machinery checked and an as built drawing produced. Cast in pipe work will be checked for line and level.
This content is extracted from a 6 page Method Statement for Reinforced concrete available HERE