Covid-19 Back to work

As more and more building sites open up and work resumes, We should still assess the risks and follow rules and guidance, depending where you are in the world there should be adequate information on safe working and risk assessment.

Some basic items to assess…….

Can your staff observe social distancing? (Data below from the UK

Reducing movement by discouraging non-essential trips within buildings and sites. For example, restricting access to some areas, encouraging use of telephones where permitted, and cleaning them between use.

Reducing job rotation and equipment rotation, for example, single tasks for the day.

Implementing one-way systems where possible on walkways around the workplace.

Using signage such as ground markings or being creative with other objects to mark out 2m to allow controlled flows of people moving throughout the site.

Reducing occupancy of vehicles used for onsite travel, for example, shuttle buses, and when needed, social distancing measures should be followed within the vehicles.

Separating sites into working zones to keep different groups of workers physically separated as much as practical.

Planning site access and ‘area of safety’ points to enable social distancing.

Reducing the number of people in attendance at site inductions and consider holding them outdoors wherever possible with social distancing.

Regulating use of high traffic areas including corridors, lifts, turnstiles and walkways to maintain social distancing.

staggered shifts so fewer people are in close contact with each other, adding handwashing facilities and signage, site access and material deliveries, verify who is allowed onsite, contact with delivery drivers reduced, consultation with staff on what they are required to do if they feel ill.

In addition the site common areas such as office and break rooms should be cleaned and disinfected regularly.